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Welcome to my Garden!

I’m so happy you are here!

My name is Lisa Estabrook and Soulflower is an external manifestation of my inner spiritual work learning to follow my heart and to live a joyful life. It is an expression of my soul connection with the spirits of the flowers and trees that grow in my Soulflower Sanctuary garden and in the woods around my home in Maine.

As my understanding of the flowers, and my interconnectivity of all of nature deepens, so does my understanding of myself and my life and I know the same is possible for you too...if you desire it.

This is self-empowerment.

My logo is a Dandelion seed, as it is my wish to spread the seeds of empowerment to others on their healing (wholing) journeys. Through my art, my words, and sharing my life, I hope to inspire and support yours. Not to do the same, but to realize the power of your own heart to lead your way.  

It is my belief that by each one of us stepping up and accepting responsibility for our own healing journeys, we will not only heal this planet but we will also co-create the kind of world that I know exists in all of our hearts.

This is heart work and the process of Tending the Garden of Our Souls. 

What that looks like is unique to each of us, but what I’ve come to understand is that it is not about DOING anything so much as it is a remembering, an embodying, of how to just BE.

BE present. BE enough. BE compassionate. BE intentional. BE connected. BE perceptive. BE understanding. And on and on...

This way of BEING requires practice. It requires TENDING.

You will find my Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck (and a few other creations to inspire and support your soul tending) in my Shop, as well as in-person gatherings and offerings in my Soulflower Sanctuary garden in Yarmouth Maine. You can also join me online in the CommUNITY Garden, a free virtual sanctuary garden where we can gather to share in the journey. And lastly, I would be delighted to be able to pop into your inbox from time to time (sign up below.) After all, we are not meant to journey alone!

So… enough about me...CAN I DRAW A CARD FOR YOU? 

If yes, click the image below to begin your journey getting to know the Soulflower Plant Spirits. 

Remember… this is a journey of baby, heart inspired steps and big leaps of faith. Check in with your heart and go with what resonates most for you right now. Whatever you choose, please know that I am so so grateful that you are here.
Life is certainly an amazing journey of self-discovery. And I wish you much peace, love and joy on yours! 



"Women as a force of Nature, on behalf of Nature."—www.TreeSisters.org