Let's Gather!

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."—Arundhati Roy

I see this quote often. I can feel the truth of it deep in my bones and resonating in my heart, and every step of my journey is in service to this wisdom, in service to the healing of the Earth.

We live on an abundant planet, literally the garden of Eden. Heaven on Earth. No one part is more important than another and all parts are interconnected in a beautiful circle of life that holds us all—a multi-layered, multi-dimensional, ever expanding and continuous spiral—where there is no beginning and no end.

And the awareness of this connection and BEING IN connection with others is how we, step by step, heart by heart courageously walk the path home to our own breath, our own joy and our own truth.

My gardens have been the place I go to for peace, for solace, for the very connection I speak of above. It is in this solitude that I have nurtured the flowers that have nurtured me and helped me to remember the wisdom that is stored in the cells of all our bodies, and the guidance that is always available to us when we tune into our hearts.

Tuning into our own bodies, and especially our hearts, and then honoring what we discover is perhaps the greatest gift we can give ourselves, each other and the world at large.

The Soulflower Sanctuary is my private garden in Yarmouth, Maine. It is an acre of suburban, mostly wooded land, that I have been tending since 2010 and home to nearly all of the Soulflowers in my Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck.

I know it may just look like a garden, but in truth, it's a master classroom filled with intelligent life helping us to remember the truth of who we are. All we need to do is show up with an open mind, with no expectations, and literally take to heart whatever we discover.

Join me and special guest hosts in the Garden for guided wanders, mentorship experiences, playshops and day retreats where we will explore what it means to remember ourselves whole and uncover the Earth wisdom that resides within us all. Ironically it is the flowers that are teaching us what it means to be human.

Check back here often or sign up for my Soulflower newsletters and I will notify you of new offerings both in person and virtual.🌸