Private Mentorship Mornings in the Sanctuary Garden

Remembering and Restoring your Innate Kinship with the Earth

Join me in the Soulflower Sanctuary Garden for some personalized inspiration and practical hands-on, heart centered tending of garden and self—remembering that there is no separation. 

Together we will set sacred space, get grounded and present and invite in the Soulflower plant spirits to help us tend and support your “muscles” of trust, self love, non judgement, curiosity, presence and above all confidence in your own process of remembering and restoring your relationship with the wisdom of your body and your own heart’s guidance.

Maybe we will need to get our hands dirty or maybe what will be needed is to be simply held by the trees or create art with the flowers. We will create a sacred container for our time together and see what flows… naturally. 

Let me hold space for you to remember your natural ability to tend the garden of your soul with a deep sense of belonging within the interconnected web of life we all reside within.

Sessions are 90 minutes and take place in the morning as early as 8am. You are welcome to stay and spend the rest of the morning resting, journaling, drawing or wandering quietly on your own. Come dressed comfortably for the outdoors. Bring gloves, a gathering basket, clippers, water bottle, journal, sunscreen, natural bug repellent and whatever you need to be comfortable. Most importantly, bring your loving, curious and wise heart. 

The exchange is $111 and includes light refreshments. Nature is abundant and generous and you will always receive more than you give. 

See you in the Garden! 

🌸 Lisa

P.S. The intention is for the Garden to be accessible to all. If your heart says "yes" but your wallet says "no" then please reach out via email at and we can find alternative arrangements. 

“The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen.  Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than most well intentioned words.”– Rachel Naomi Remen

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