Private Mentorship Mornings throughout the Summer

Remembering & Restoring our Innate Kinship with the Natural World


$ 99.00 per person


1h 30min

About this experience

My gardens have been my personal sanctuary for a long time now but the plants are letting me know that it is time to invite others to share in the tending whilst creating and deepening into their own intuitive relationship with the land and all beings seen and unseen that reside there. 

And so I am opening up my garden with all it’s wild and messy wisdom for private one-to-one hands-on mentoring sessions throughout the growing season. Together we will engage directly with creating inner and outer sanctuary through the practices of intuitive garden tending, creativity & ceremony. We will tend the garden and tend ourselves at the same time, remembering and restoring our innate kinship with the natural world. 

This is a hands-on, full body, heart opening practice!

Each personal session will begin in ceremony and end in ceremony. In between, while we tend, we can talk about and explore whatever arises naturally... Naturally! This may include: 

🌱 Gardens as mentors

🌱 Cyclical tending

🌱 Daily practice

🌱 Moving at the speed of Nature

🌱 Presence-listening/observing/awareness

🌱 Working with elementals, devas and nature spirits

🌱 Body wisdom and the heart as guide

🌱 Altars, offerings and love notes

🌱 Reintegrating with the web of life

🌱 Remembering the sacred in all things 

🌱 Healing (wholing) verses curing

🌱 Connecting with Plant Spirits

🌱 Plant signatures

🌱 Diversity

🌱 Creating and working with essences

🌱 Intention & imagination

🌱 Inner work/outer work

🌱 The Art of Letting go!

🌱 Perceiving and creating beauty

🌱 Medicine making

🌱 Foraging and plant ID

🌱 Reframing weeds/invasives/pests

🌱 Understanding boundaries

🌱 Nature journaling

🌱 Change as a constant

🌱 Curiosity and flexibility for resilience

🌱 Flowing with life

...and so much more!

This is not a gardening how to. I will not be teaching so much as sharing an embodied practice alongside you with an invitation and opportunity to be fully present in your body as you come into right relationship with the elements, the web of life and the intentional practice of tending. I will hold space for you to learn to trust your own heart to guide your way. 

Each 90 minute session starts at 8am and ends at 9:30am before the heat of the day. You are welcome to stay and spend the rest of the morning resting, journaling, drawing or wandering quietly on your own. Come dressed for the outdoors. Bring gloves, a gathering basket, clippers, water bottle, sunscreen and natural bug repellent and most importantly, your loving, curious, wise, heart. 

When you click BOOK NOW you will find all available mornings. 

The exchange is $99 and includes light refreshments when we are done tending together. Nature is abundant and there will always be something to harvest or gather during our time together. You will always receive more than you give. There will also be an abundance blessing basket with gifts from the garden and an invitation for you to leave a financial donation or a gift in return.

See you in the Garden! 


P.S. The intention is for the Garden to be accessible to all. If your heart says "yes" but your wallet says "no" then please reach out via email at and we can find alternative arrangements.

Your Host

Host image

Artist, Author, Wayshower in service to Mother Earth, working with Plant Spirits to remember, embody and restore Divine Feminine Consciousness within and without. It may just look like a garden but it is in truth a master classroom filled with intelligent life all helping you to remember the truth of who you are. All you need to do is show up with an open mind, with no expectations, and literally take to heart whatever you discover.