Tending the Garden of your Soul, Group Mentorship 2025

9 month group mentorship in the Soulflower Sanctuary 

My gardens have been my personal sanctuary for a long time now but the plants have been letting me know that it is time to invite others to share in the magic whilst creating and deepening into their own intuitive relationship with the land and all beings seen and unseen that reside there. My intention with this offering is to inspire and support practical hands-on skills for heart centered tending of garden and self. There is no separation.

And so I am opening up my garden with all it’s wild and messy wisdom for a small group (up to 6 souls) where we will remember together what it means to be human and divine, mentored by our wise elders—the plants.

Together we will engage directly with creating inner and outer sanctuary through the practices of intuitive garden tending, relationship growing & ceremony. We will tend the garden and tend ourselves at the same time, remembering and restoring our innate kinship with the natural world. Remembering together how to listen to the voices of the Earth and the wisdom of our souls.

This is a full body, heart opening experience!

Each group gathering will begin in ceremony and end in ceremony. In between, while we tend, we will honor and explore whatever arises... naturally. The gentle container for our journey together will follow the rhythm of the seasons.

🌱 March 29 SEED: Gardens as Mentors; Intention & Imagination; Cyclical Tending

🌱 April 26 GERMINATE: Moving at the Speed of Nature; Presence & Listening; Daily Practice

🌱 May 24 NOURISH: Where you put your Attention… Thrives! Body Wisdom and the Heart as Guide; Altars, Offerings and Love Notes

🌱 June 21 GROW: Elementals, Devas and Plant Spirits; Reintegrating with the Web of Life; Perceiving & Creating Beauty; Garden Tending as an Act of Devotion

🌱 July 26 FLOURISH: Building Relationships with Plant Spirits; Flower Medicine; Diversity for Well Being and Optimal Growth

🌱 August 23 BLESS: Creating and Working with Essences; What is Medicine? Medicine Making; Inner work/Outer work, Nature as a Mirror

🌱 September  20 SURRENDER: Remembering the Sacred in All Things; Healing (wholing) verses curing; Curiosity and Flexibility for Resilience

🌱 October 25 RELEASE: The Art of Letting go! Reframing Weeds/Invasives/Pests; Understanding Boundaries

🌱 November 22 COMPOST: Nature Journaling; Spirit of Play; Flowing with life; Change as a constant


This is an embodied practice in the Soulflower Sanctuary Garden in Yarmouth, Maine, an invitation and opportunity to be fully present in your body as you come into right relationship with the elements, the web of life, your self and the intentional practice of tending. I will hold space for you to learn to trust your own heart to guide your way. 

Gatherings are one Saturday morning every month (dates above) between March and November from 10:00-12:30 with an optional private Greenhouse in the virtual CommUNITY Garden for tending and connection in between our in person gatherings. (If there is enough interest in a midweek group option I’d be happy to offer that too in addition to or instead of Saturdays... let me know!)

You are welcome to bring a lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon resting, journaling, drawing or wandering quietly on your own. Come dressed comfortably for the outdoors. Bring gloves, a gathering basket, clippers, water bottle, sunscreen and natural bug repellent and whatever you need to be comfortable. Most importantly, bring your loving, curious and wise heart. 

The exchange is $999 for all 9 gatherings and includes light refreshments at our in person gatherings. Nature is abundant and generous and you will always receive more than you give. Deposit to hold your space is $111 with the balance due as we begin. Payment plans are available. 

See you in the Garden! 

🌸 Lisa

P.S. The intention is for the Garden to be accessible to all. If your heart says "yes" but your wallet says "no" then please reach out via email at sanctuary@mysoulflower.love and we can find alternative arrangements. 

“Nature is always reading your vibration and responding to the most predominant energy that you are emitting, so if you present with a lack of confidence in your communication, then the message you receive back may be confusing or undecipherable. On the other hand, if your communication is infused with love and a knowingness in your heart, gut, and brain that Nature is sentient and has been informing humans for 2.5 million years, then you can enter into communion and receive full guidance, healing, and cooperation from your Nature ally.”—Pam Montgomery

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