Let it go already!

June 27, 2016 1 Comment

Let it go already!

It has been an abundant year for Dandelions, livening up my early spring lawn with their lovely bright spots of yellow. One of the first spring flowers and especially important for the bees.

They are singing about sweet surrender. About release, letting go. Like a child that has no cares, no worries. This is certainly not my nature! I like to be in control, have predictable outcomes, order and harmony as far as possible. Doesn’t everyone? Perhaps this is one of the biggest illusions of humankind, that is, that we think we really have any control at all.

Ha! Dandelion knows no boundaries and she can flourish almost anywhere and everywhere despite harsh circumstances and pathological gardeners with their nasty herbicides. They think that they have control. But Dandelion always gets the better of them. What message does she share with me then? That I have no real control of what happens in my life—I just have to let go of the illusion that I do. Let go of all the doing, ordering and organizing and learn to trust that the universe will work it’s magic without my help, or rather, in spite of my help and with perfect timing—always.

This is something I think about a lot— release of control. Especially as a parent. Wouldn’t it  be lovely if all my young charges did exactly what I wanted, when I wanted. Life would be so much easier. You know, they stick to chore charts and bedtime schedules. But of course that rarely happens. In fact, all three of my daughters choose to march to the beat of their own drums (and usually in opposite directions) and quite frankly I wouldn’t really want it any other way. It’s just that that can make family life a tad challenging at times. I am learning to trust the process though, and more often than not things always work out.

And then there is control of my work life. I feel somedays like I’m being led, crumb by crumb along a path that I can’t really see. I’m doing things, sharing things, that until very recently I thought were unlikely, if not impossible. And I can hardly believe I just released my new Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle deck into the world. In fact, even its creation really was beyond my control. I had the inspiration and an idea of what plants would appear in the deck but those are definitely not the 44 I ended up with. I was co-creating all along, working with the plants and staying open to new ones along the way. There was no timetable, no schedule, I was following. It was a personal process, a journey, and I learned so much about myself along the way.

Soulflower itself is like a wish really, a prayer—released out into the world—here it is universe. And now that I have released it I have to let go of trying to control it and instead allow it to lead me. I can set my intention and then all I really have control over is how I respond to what happens. My thoughts. My actions. I’m learning to trust daily that all my needs are being met and I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. I will be shown the way...

So, I think it’s no accident that the Dandelions are so abundant this year. Known for their great detoxifying properties, I like to believe they are doing their part to help detoxify the earth which is undergoing such enormous upheaval and change. They are also doing their part to detoxify my mind and my life that is also going through enormous upheaval and change. I am positive that it is no accident that Dandelion chose to be the cover art for my packaging and the symbol of my Soulflower logo. She was the first card I created and so I put her on the box. And her form came out in my sketches for my logo, and I went with it. I couldn’t have planned that by myself and it was only after, with hindsight, that I realized how perfect a choice it really was! 

That's how the Plant Spirits work their magic with me. Entice me in with their beauty and then go to work on my soul.

Dig deeper with Dandelion (RELEASE) here.


1 Response

Nadine Hilton
Nadine Hilton

June 30, 2016

I follow you on Instagram ?? I live your work and you are a true inspiration. Your posts are always uplifting and you have helped me so much on my own journey.

Thank you beautiful soul ??

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