As I'm writing this my sinuses are heavy and my head is foggy and dense with a good old-fashioned head cold. Perhaps it's the change in seasons or perhaps it's having three children bringing home a multitude of “school” germs every single day—but in any case it is timely with Nettle being the Soulflower pick for the month of October.
As a medicinal, I turn to Nettle when I am feeling depleted, tired and generally overwhelmed with everyday doings. She is a nourishing and restorative powerhouse and a beautifully supportive ally—a far cry from the stinging enemy my bare legs misjudged as a child when I would do anything to avoid her! Now she is the loving friend I am reaching out to.
Big mug of Nettle infusion in hand, I settle down with my journal to contemplate my symptoms and the wisdom contain therein.
Nettle (Transformation) • Wake up! Nettle helps you transform foggy thinking so that you can respond to prickly or heated situations by speaking up for yourself, in alignment with your own truth, and without harboring resentment or attachments that can leave you feeling tired, congested and irritated.
Conversations with plants require patience, like Nature's pace, and develop slowly over time, like all good friendships.
It’s not like a human to human conversation at all and is more like a rambling series of thoughts and connections, feelings and inspirations that I must somehow make sense of. And more often than not, I can’t make sense of it, or verbalize it at all, (at least in the moment) and instead have to allow it time to evolve into just KNOWING.
Like steeping a good cup of tea. It eventually becomes a deep understanding, a truth which resonates with my heart and which always ALWAYS comes from a place of deep love, acceptance and trust.
What has been playing out for me personally has been the recurrence of old stories and triggers that connect me to an internal dialogue of negative self-talk. You know—”I'm not doing well enough”, “there’s not enough money/time”, “if I just work a bit harder it'll all work out”, “what am I doing wrong????” etc etc.
The last six weeks or so I have been working long hours most weekends at event after event trying to raise funds to pay for the third printing I have just received of the Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle deck. And while I have left each event rich in new friendships and experience, my pockets have been mostly empty.
It's super stressful when bills are looming to trust that everything will all work out in the end. LIke most people, I feel the need to DO SOMETHING more, in addition to all that I am already doing. And more often than not the resultant “doings” are never really in true alignment with my heart or soul. They can’t be really, since they most often come from a place of fear and lack rather than a place of love and trust.
Over the last couple of years, our family has lived paycheck to paycheck, with my husband unable to find full time work in his field and our general feast/famine self-employment income schedules resulting in plenty of worry and stress. But somehow, some way that I don’t understand, at bill paying time, even at the very last minute, our money story falls into place with a happy ending...for that month at least. Every single month.
So my experience, the actual TRUTH of my experience, is that we have everything we need and we are fully supported. My mind however is rife with poverty mentality and self-pity and at times even slips into envy that others, off on their vacations or whatever, are doing so much better than we are. Ha! Ha! What a load of rubbish!
And then the shame kicks in and the negative self-talk goes into overdrive…
Slap! (Nettle has a way of doing that.)
Waking up from my daydream, I suddenly realised, with acute clarity, how out of alignment my recent actions, all my pushing and striving and eventing, have been with what actually is my truth, my REALITY, and what nourishes my heart and soul.
I had been so distracted with the potential of extra income, with shiny objects, that I had lost my way in a dense fog—and when you are in a dense fog, it can sometimes be really hard to figure out where you are going! Like sleep walking.
Misalignment + fatigue + foggy thinking = exhaustion and susceptibility to the raging cold germs now inhabiting my head.
Which means... it’s time for quiet reflection and lots of tea.
Working through the process of self-reflection you have to be brutally honest with yourself.
Brutally honest yes, but I also understand that the whole experience is not something to berate myself over. I am human after all and I had to go through it to realise that my choices, in this case, were not at all in alignment with my highest good. And that while it was somewhat of a setback, growing pains are completely necessary for me to experience so that I could begin to understand myself better. To uncover my truth, piece by little piece.
The monthly bills came due and we were able to (almost) cover them and I am awash in awe and gratitude and joy once more—for the wisdom and support of the Earth and my plant friends, for the gift of life itself that allows us to experience ourselves in all our humbling glory, and for the overdraft facilities my local bank affords me for when we can’t quite make it.
I’m starting to feel much better already!
I have just read the newsletter, and after reading the August blog (I missed, I subscribed with my new email address only in October) I decided to refresh this one too. I can totally relate to both, cold included… so after a good hot shower I’ll go into the kitchen and search for an herbal tea with Nettle inside. I think I have some (I have not a garden or country around so I have to use boxed teas). And yes, I also remember my childhood in grandma small town, with terrible nettles around.
THANKS for sharing this post on nettle again in January 2022, Lisa. This is the part that zinged the most for me:
“… the resultant “doings” are never really in true alignment with my heart or soul. They can’t be really, since they most often come from a place of fear and lack rather than a place of love and trust.”
This dovetails perfectly with law of attraction principle that what we focus on becomes magnified and increased in our lives. SO, anything done out of fear is not likely to be a wise choice. I am grateful to have this serendipitous reminder today.
Lisa, I really appreciate the authenticity you show in all of your posts. I’ve been moving through similar spaces with negative thinking and just when I think the transformation to positive thinking is complete, the negativity rears up once more. Your cards are a bright spot in my day when I’m feeling down and help me to remember how to align with my true self. I have no doubt that your hard work will continue to help you and others expand in many ways! Thank you!
Ditto Ash-lee’s comment above. I don’t know what else to add. This was a sweet, honest, heartful blog post. Thank you.
I appreciate your blogs so much and this one was especially poignant and meaningful. Thank you for all you see and this sacrifice that you give so that we might understand these plant spirits so deeply. Getting a cup of nettle tea now!
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Over the years, the Soulflowers have lovingly helped me to understand change to be the natural order of things. They have helped me to trust completely in the inherent intelligence of Nature and the necessity of all the seasons to support life, sustainably.
We are cyclical beings. Life (life force energy) is never lost—it is only constantly changed, transformed.
“All suffering comes from resistance to the truth of who you are. All suffering comes from resistance to What Is.” Milk Thistle adds.
Let that truth bomb sink in.
Carol Youngson
August 10, 2023
Is there a way that we can donate for your wonderful offerings?
green blessings Carol (Somerset, UK)
My Soulflower replied:
Oh gosh! Thank you Carol. I’ve never thought about how to do that on my website. I will look into it but for now, pollinating my work through kind words and recommendations to others is gratefully received.🙏🏻