There is Enough

November 15, 2016 2 Comments

There is Enough

Abundance is the knowledge and security that comes with the acceptance that all of your needs are being met.

Can you imagine how that feels? ALL of your needs are being met.

We live in a culture of lack and scarcity. From the very beginning we are taught that there is not enough of anything. Not enough food, not enough time, not enough money, not enough love, not enough freedom, not enough happiness….whatever it is...there is certainly not enough of it.

I’m talking about a pattern of belief that runs so deep our every action, choice, thought and emotion is connected to it. And with that belief then comes self-pity and victimhood, and it’s a dark and lonely place often filled with anger and resentment. And it’s a vicious cycle too. We are most certainly powerful creators. Our actions, choices, thoughts and emotions are pure energy which the universe magnifies and enhances and reflects back at this case a perfect self-fulfilling prophecy of scarcity and lack. And of course, it is scary, and fear keeps us small and unempowered and unable to see the truth.

I know this because I have lived this. I live this. I also know that all the striving, and all the hard work in the world, all the self-sacrifice and giving, is not going to get you anywhere if you don’t believe from the bottom of your heart that you are worth it and that you are being fully supported in all ways. This is the part I struggle with.

I deeply believe that all of our experiences have medicine in them. Of course “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” but it is so much more than that. I think it is about the strength that comes with growth in understanding, forgiveness and self-compassion, rather than just overcoming adversity. It is about the strength it takes to soften, open and receive rather than to overpower. It is about the faith and hope and courage it takes to realize you are not a victim in all this and instead that you are an all-powerful creator creating the experiences you need to heal, to become whole and to remember who you truly are.

And so Columbine, with the visual weight and mass of her leaves, reminds me that I am firmly grounded and a part of the physical world, but her flowers, reaching up high above the foliage on airy stems, remind me to reach up and connect with my higher power, with all that is and my own highest purpose. She bends and sways in the breeze, like she is dancing, not struggling or resisting, but flexible and open to the environment she is planted in. Fully present and supported by the earth but always connected to source. Of the earth, but also of the heavens...body and spirit. This, to me, embodies the true meaning of abundance. That feeling that you are connected and secure that all is well no matter what the weather.

It is so easy to get lost in the physicality and mundane reality of our lives. Lost in the worry of how the bills will be paid, how we will handle a difficult relationship, or overcome adversity, or find the time to get done all that needs doing, and countless other hardships of our everyday existence. We put our heads down and fight against the current, and the storms that test us, rather than relaxing and opening and going with the flow. And even though I can see this, deeply understand it even, I still do it...and then wonder why my head hurts so much so often!

If we can relax and receive all of our experiences as fertilizer for expansion and growth, even the painful ones. If we can see them as opportunities to constantly evaluate and reevaluate what is truly important in our lives—this is ABUNDANCE!

And so, after a lifetime of striving and self-pity, Columbine is working her magic into my awareness. I keep returning to her asking me to trust, to let go of all the blocks and programing and beliefs that I now know are preventing me from receiving all the love, happiness, peace, support and yes money, that the universe has flowing towards me and us all. And simultaneously, I am trying hard to let go of my expectations, for there are many.

That doesn’t mean that I give up on my dreams, it just means that I don’t know what the universe has in store for me. What I do know though is that whatever comes my way is exactly what I need to grow, to become whole, and to fully embody my journey in this lifetime. And whatever that is I have, or will be given, the tools to support my growth. Abundance.

Dig deeper with Columbine (ABUNDANCE) here.

2 Responses

Tiziana Amagda Modotti
Tiziana Amagda Modotti

April 14, 2020

Wow, that’s weird. I am using the app since January 1st 2019, and posted all of the new flowers I picked with the date of coming in a separate album on my FB page (with credits and link to your website, of course). Columbine arrived on January 22nd 2019 (I save the images on my devices until I post them) and after, some more times. But I missed. She arrived the first time in the new version on February 1st 2020, but the first new card post is dated February 2. So, I missed again. And I have Abundance issues. Lately I am posting only a few things on my page, all new flowers included. So I spotted. It is time to reclaim my Abundance. My birthright as a Goddess Child. I hope in the future I can buy the physical deck too (I live in Italy and shipping is very high, and actually the boards are closed too). Thank you so much for all your work and for all you share. Blessed Be )o(

Jenna Hinds
Jenna Hinds

November 30, 2016

Wow, this spoke so strongly to me. It is exactly what I have been feeling and working on as well. I love your art, it is beautiful and calls to me. I just saw it for the first time in an Instagram post by someone I follow, and I immediately had to go look at your Instagram page, which led me here to your website. It is beautiful and so inspiring. I will be definitely ordering the Oracle Deck and Calendar/Journal. (I hope their will be some left!) I have been looking to get an Oracle deck that I could work with daily (my first one). I have been looking at all different types for a few weeks waiting for one that spoke to me, and now I have found it. Thank you for sharing your talent, your art and soul with the rest of us.. Blessed Be.

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